
展览时间:2020-09-26 - 2020-11-25

开幕时间:2020-09-26 15:00:00


策 展  人:段君







Huang Ge's works in recent years mainly take the form of two or three couplets, which show different time nodes on the same site, such as the hospital. In the first picture, there are people waiting, the second picture shows medical staff, and the third one is empty, leaving only empty hospitals. Huang Ge's performance is not time, nor the different scenes of a specific thing. He just calmly and implicitly describes the change of scene and the psychological emotion caused by the change of scene.


Although the space scenes extracted by Huang Ge are all the places he often visit around his residence or activities, Huang Ge has not been a painter confined to minor tunes. He seldom shows purely private landscapes, but chooses places where the interaction between private and social, individual life and public interaction interweave, such as train cars, grand theater, subway station, etc. Huang Ge describes their external facade, internal structure, functional attributes and crowd activities, which contains a subtle sense of fatalism, which is not only reflected in the existence and disappearance of people in the painting, but also includes the absurdity caused by the existence and disappearance of human beings in the field itself.


In Huang Ge's recent paintings, the factors of time change are significant, but not the core. As we all know, painting itself has the inevitable static characteristics, which is both advantages and disadvantages. In terms of disadvantages, it can not fully adapt to the rapidly changing world and massive image transmission; in terms of advantages, it is different from film. Painting can stop the rapidly changing scene so that the audience can gaze. The film is often broadcast according to the established time step. In the cinema, the audience does not have the opportunity to watch the past scene carefully, just like in the fast-moving society of China In the rhythm, there is no time for people to stop. Huang Ge's painting method is to deliberately let different scenes stay, so that we can set our own speed, in and out of the painter's scene.What Huang Ge wants to stop and grasp seems to be the moment in front of him. The writer Milan Kundera once sighed: "there seems to be nothing more obvious, more perceptible and more palpable than the present moment. In fact, we can't grasp the moment at all. All the sorrow of life is at this point. Within that second, our vision, hearing and smell (consciously or unconsciously) record a lot of events, and a series of feelings and thoughts pass through our minds. Every moment is a small world, and it will be forgotten in the next moment To sum it up, he means: all the sorrow in life is that we can't grasp the present moment. This judgment may be too poetic. Too much sorrow in contemporary China lies not only in not being able to grasp the present moment, but also in too many past, present and future.


The "Grand Theatre" trilogy in 2018 includes the first act, the middle act and the last act. The first act: all the performance equipment is placed on the stage; the second act: a lonely seat is left on the stage; the last act is empty, only the scene is left. With the development of events and activities, people will always exist, change and disappear. Objects or scenes may exist more permanently, but they will inevitably decay. In fact, it is not difficult to understand the change of human beings. The absurdity formed by the existence and disappearance of human beings is the more subtle part. Huang Ge's painting method in recent years is not his original creation. Other artists have adopted similar picture processing methods, but for him, it is more important to reveal the real problems than to create the techniques and methods. The importance of the present scene, as the French philosopher Jean Claude Milner said, can arouse our anger and passion for the times: anger is the most common thing in the world. That is to say, no one will feel that they should feel more anger than the current situation. However, anger is always local, so it is selective. Everyone measures the reason and degree of anger according to his imagination. Moreover, anger is related to the current situation. Arousing anger does not explain the time and place, but can only be regarded as preaching. Arousing anger, at the same time, is a sermon Indicating the time and place is a kind of screening. Huang Ge maintains his anger and passion for the times. His definition of time and place is a kind of screening.


In 2019, he created two couplets, 5 a.m. to 7 a.m. at Crossroad and 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Crossroad. In the same street, there was no one at 5 a.m. to 7 a.m. and two pedestrians appeared at 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. In 124 Yuqiao Middle Road, there are three couplets: the first picture shows that two elevators are closed and empty; the second picture shows that two elevators are in and out; the third picture is empty, but one of the elevators is open, leaving traces of pedestrian activities, It's different from the first one where there's no one at all. In the trend of global contemporary art development, the performance of social environment is far more than that of natural environment. Although the activities of "art rural construction" have promoted and contributed to more attention to nature to a certain extent, artists working in cities are more inclined to express their feelings and ideas through the description of social environment. In order to hint and reveal the interaction of various functional architectural institutions on crowd activities, Huang Ge did not use realistic representation technique. He insisted on the visual induction of essentiality, structure and block, and summarized and simplified the buildings or scenes to form many meaningful scene structures.


Huang Ge's last exhibition in 2015, I put forward the theme of "simulation landscape". Simulation is not a representation of real places, but an alternative landscape that is very similar to reality. The scenes or landscapes created by Huang Ge before and after 2015 have the characteristics of "simulation", which can not only arouse the imagination of the real world, but also retain the self-sufficiency as an independent world. The exhibition of swallow in 2020 focuses on the real world and weakens the fictional metaphor of "simulation", which may be related to his more profound experience and understanding of the real society in recent years.


Although he lives and works in Beijing all the year round, Huang Ge still has a sense of vagrancy, and the idea of leaving Beijing is lingering for a long time. Besides the lack of a sense of belonging in Beijing, Huang Ge always yearns for the outside world and new things. He often rides and drives to the north and south. In the works of engulf, Huang Ge's scenes are impersonal, and because they are real scenes, they often give people a similar feeling. At the same time, Huang Ge's unified use of indifference in his paintings strengthens the lack of personality of the scene. The indifference of color brings the indifference of the scene. They all belong to the state of wandering and rootless, and the picture has a psychological effect. As for the indifferent color or quiet gray tone, Huang Ge once said: "everyone is good at something different. Maybe some people's pictures are rich in content, some people's pictures are colorful, and some people's pictures have strong visual effects. Maybe these are not what I'm good at. What I can do is to meet my inner needs, and I'm not willing to let the pictures appear the same again Image, so almost every new painting is different. It seems to have nothing to do with it. The only thing that looks a little similar is the quiet gray tone. " Judging from Huang Ge's previous works, he can also draw colorful pictures, but his bright colors are not too superficial and bright, and there is always a kind of calm or deep in the bright colors. Huang Ge realized that bright color was always a little reluctant for him. The question is why he chose the gray tone. I think the core lies in the display of invisible devouring power in society.


The contemporary people do not know much about the function and operation mode of the contemporary society. Because we are not decision makers, we do not know and do not need who has the power of swallowing and what is the goal of the decision-maker. What we need to study deeply is: how the society is engulfed by a certain force, and how the swallowing appears in various images in the real and effective social reality structure of swallowing power; How the objects and application fields of devourer appear and directly affect us; how the power of devourer is achieved in the process of stipulating our existence, various postures of the physical body, and behavior performance; who is determining our behavior and forced choice for us, who is preventing us from doing this, and inducing us to do another completely different thing What forces force us to live and live in one place, and what forces induce us to go elsewhere. The core of Huang Ge's paintings in recent years is the above-mentioned invisible but practical social problems. I call the exertion process of this power as "swallowing". Huang Ge has always been concerned about the society. His attitude towards art is very clear. He thinks that "the value of art and artists lies in their spiritual independence, moral conscience and sense of responsibility. They are sensitive to touch the nerve endings of social problems and provide a visual scheme with personal visual language. This is my attitude to art." Perhaps, art is powerless in the face of social devourer. Huang Ge's visual scheme within the scope of his ability is not to solve any social problems, but to provide different perspectives of observing the world in a visual way. As an individual creation, art is always another awakening power, and an action to break with deep sleep.



作 品:010-81583000—2

时 间:2019

尺 寸:45×60cm


材 料:布面油画

作 品:大剧院首幕

时 间:2018

尺 寸:120x150cm


材 料:布面油画

作 品:东夏园站-1

时 间:2019

尺 寸:45×60cm


材 料:布面油画

作 品:街口卯时

时 间:2019

尺 寸:100x160cm


材 料:布面油画